CONSTITUTION 1. TITLE 2. OBJECTIVE 3. MEMBERSHIP 4. FEES AND SUBSCRIPTIONS 5. FINANCE AND TRUSTEES 6. COMMITTEE 7. OFFICERS OF THE VSMBFL 8. ANNUAL AND OTHER GENERAL MEETINGS 9. CONDUCT DURING ANNUAL AND OTHER GENERAL MEETINGS 10. REGISTRATION OF CLUBS 11. CLUB OFFICERS 12. INFRINGEMENT OF RULES 13. ALTERATION OF RULES 14. COPY OF RULES AND CONSTITUTION DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this Constitution the following expressions have the following meanings Expression Meaning Member(s) VSMBFL bowls player(s) Member Club(s) Bowling Team(s), belonging to a short mat bowls club, registered with the VSMBFL BSMBA Buckinghamshire Short Mat Bowling Association ESMBA English Short Mat Bowling Association 1. TITLE The League shall be called the “Vale Short Mat Bowls Friendly League" hereinafter referred to as VSMBFL 2. OBJECTIVES a) To choose, adopt and enforce the laws of the game as laid down for the time being by the ESMBA, BSMBA and the VSMBFL League Rules b) To promote, safeguard and foster the short mat game within the Aylesbury Vale district c) To interpret, when called upon by Member Clubs or Members thereof questions of the law and practice and arbitrate in all differences referred to the VSMBFL between and among Member Clubs. 3. MEMBERSHIP Membership of the VSMBFL shall be open to Clubs capable of providing facilities and equipment meeting with the requirements of the ESMBA, BSMBA as deemed appropriate and VSMBFL 4. FEES AN SUBSCRIPTIONS VSMBFL fees and subscriptions shall be decided upon annually at the Annual General Meeting and shall be paid by the 1st October in each year. 5. FINANCE AND TRUSTEES a) Control of Finance: The committee shall have sole control of the finances of the VSMBFL and shall be empowered to incur expenditure necessary for general administration. No other expenditure shall be incurred without the sanction of a General Meeting convened for the purpose. b) Independent Examiners: Two Members of Member Clubs, other than Members of the Committee, shall be appointed to examine the Annual Statement of Accounts. c) Trustees: The Chairman, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer shall be Trustees of the VSMBFL 6. COMMITTEE a) Constitution: All the affairs of the VSMBFL shall be arranged by a Committee consisting of the following:- Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and League Fixture/Competition Secretary elected to Office at the Annual General Meeting in each year. A delegate from and appointed annually by each Member Club that so chooses. b) Three shall be present at Committee Meetings to form a quorum to include three Officers. c) The committee shall be empowered to fill casual vacancies which occur in their number during the year d) Sub-Committees: The Committee shall be empowered to form any sub-committee for a specific purpose. Membership need not be restricted to membership of the Committee but shall report their proceedings to the Committee. 7. OFFICERS OF THE VSMBFL The Officers of the VSMBFL shall be the Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and League Fixture/Competition Secretary a) CHAIRMAN: The Chairman shall preside at all General, Committee and other meetings so convened to conduct the business of the VSMBFL and shall have only a casting vote at meetings. The ruling of the Chairman on points of order or questions of procedure shalt be final and conclusive. Chairman's Absence - In the event of the Chairman’s absence, any meeting convened shall be adjourned for fifteen minutes counting from the notified commencement time, whereupon in the continued absence an “Acting Chairman" shall be deputed from one of the Officers present. b) HONORARY SECRETARY: The Honorary Secretary shall convene all meetings of the VSMBFL (except sub-committees), shall keep a record of at business transacted and carry out all other secretarial duties in accordance with the decision of the VSMBFL Honorary Secretary's Absence - In the event of the absence of the Honorary Secretary, the Officers present may depute a suitable candidate from those attending the meeting, who need not be a committee Member, for the sole purpose of minuting the business transacted c) HONORARY TREASURER: The Honorary Treasurer shall receive all subscriptions by the due date, pay all expenses sanctioned by the Committee, make and prepare the accounts to the end of the financial year, prepare the annual statement of accounts and submit them to the Auditors before the Annual General Meeting. Signatories to cheques will be any two of the following Chairman, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Secretary. d) LEAGUE FIXTURE/COMPETITION SECRETARY: The League Fixture/Competition Secretary shall receive all competition entries, arrange a League Fixture List, receive all match results, publish a monthly League Table and supervise all competition draws and ensure that all competitions are conducted within the adopted rules of the ESMBA, BSMBA and VSMBFL. e) Officers may hold up to two posts. 8. ANNUAL AND OTHER GENERAL MEETINGS a) The Annual General Meeting of the VSMBFL shall be held before the end of September in each year. The notice and agenda together with a copy of the Audited Statement of Accounts shall be sent to each Member Club at least ten days before the Annual General Meeting. Notices of motion and any other competent business shalt be submitted to the Honorary Secretary in writing at least twenty one days before the Annual General Meeting b) The following business shall be transacted To receive a report from each Officer. Election of Officers and appoint Independent Examiners, Subscriptions and fees. Notices of motion Any other Competent Business. c) Every item on the agenda, but no business other than that mentioned in the agenda shall be submitted to the meeting for discussion and no other item on the agenda shall be taken out of order in which it is placed, except by mandate of the meeting. e) Members of Member Clubs of the VSMBFL may attend and take part in business discussions at General Meetings. Each registered club in attendance shall have one vote. d) Appointed Delegates and Club Contacts attending the Annual General Meeting shall sign a register provided for the purpose prior to the commencement of the Annual General Meeting. f) EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING: The committee may on their own authority or on the requisition of two thirds of Member Clubs convene an Extraordinary General Meeting of the VSMBFL of which not less than fourteen days written notice shall be given to Member Clubs. Such notice shall be given to Member Clubs. Such notice shall state the time place and substance of the proposed meeting and no other business other than that mentioned in the notice shall be discussed. 9. CONDUCT DURING GENERAL AND OTHER MEETINGS a) All speakers shall address the Chair and give their name and Club b) The proposer of a motion or amendment shall have the right of reply at the end of the discussion. 10. REGISTRATION OF CLUBS Member Clubs and those seeking membership of the VSMBFL shall register with the Honorary Secretary one month before the Annual General Meeting in each year. 11. CLUB OFFICIALS Each Club shall forward to the VSMBFL Honorary Secretary the name and address of its Secretary and List of Officials prior to the Annual General Meeting in each year. 12. INFRINGEMENT OF RULES Any Member Club who in the opinion of the committee infringes the Rules and Constitution or, by any such other conduct likely to discredit or injure the VSMBFL shall be liable to expulsion on the decision of a Special General Meeting called to discuss the matter. 13. ALTERATION OF RULES Alteration of, addition to or deletion from to all or any of the foregoing Constitution and Rules shall be made only at an Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting specifically convened for the purpose. Two Calendar Months written notice of the proposed alteration, or addition as applicable shall be given to the Honorary Secretary. 14. COPY OF THE RULES AND CONSTITUTION A copy of the VSMBFL Constitution and VSMBFL League Rules in force shall be displayed in each Club and all Members shall be bound thereby. Revised August 31 st 2021